NELI Programme – A quick guide to getting started

There are three primary components of the NELI programme:

  1. LanguageScreen
  2. NELI Online Training
  3. NELI intervention and NELI Resource Pack

This is a quick guide to getting started with all three.

1: Assessing Pupils with LanguageScreen

As part of the NELI programme your school has been provisioned with an account on the OxEd and Assessment Portal and you will have been invited to login. This will enable your school to assess children with the LanguageScreen app.

LanguageScreen is the quickest and most accurate way to assess children’s language skills and is the best way to identify those who would benefit from an intervention such as NELI. Guidance on how to select pupils for NELI can be found here.

More information about LanguageScreen can be found on the teachneli website. Detailed guidance on how to assess pupils with LanguageScreen is available in the OxEd website and FAQ.


In particular, please see these short informational videos on:

Registering pupils for assessments

Register Pupils

Getting ready to use LanguageScreen

Getting Ready to Use

Assessing children with LanguageScreen

Assessing pupils

The LanguageScreen app is free to download from the Apple app store and Google app store.

If you need any assistance using LanguageScreen, please contact [email protected].

2: Training your Staff

The NELI training is made of three online courses and a support hub. More details can be found here.

The staff delivering the NELI programme to pupils need to complete all three NELI courses and are encouraged to access the NELI Support Hub. The class teachers are required to complete Course 1, so that they can support the staff delivering the NELI intervention.

You can register staff for the NELI training via your school’s account on the OxEd and Assessment Portal or by emailing [email protected].


3: Preparing your NELI Resources

NELI includes a comprehensive pack of physical resources to support with delivering the programme to pupils. Details can be found here.

Before you start delivering NELI, remember to cut up your resources and separate each session’s resources into its own labelled folder or plastic wallet. This will ensure you can access everything that you need for a session quickly.

You can find a PDF with coloured labels in the Downloads section of Course 2, Step 1.22. These can be printed and stuck on the folder. Organising resources in advance makes the delivery of each NELI session a lot easier.

Preparing NELI materials

In the Part 1 Teaching Handbook (p.26), there’s a list of the materials you’ll need for all of your NELI sessions. This includes the posters and extra items such as glue or sticky tack.

If you ever need to replace elements of your resource packs, such as new Best Listener badges or Ted’s Listening Rules posters, these can be downloaded here.

NELI Resources

Starting your NELI delivery

Once you have completed these 3 essential steps, you are ready to begin your NELI delivery. You can find a detailed step-by-step guide to the first few days and weeks of the NELI programme, to help get you in the swing of things.

Good luck!